Terms of Business

Read about itpilot's general terms and conditions here.

You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions.

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itpilot is a Danish software development and consultancy house dedicated to the development of quality software, which every day helps our customers with digital transformation and online presence.

Our core services are the development of websites, webshops, apps as well as the integration of Pimcore, Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence as well as the development and implementation of specially developed IT systems.

In addition, itpilot offers domain names, web hosting, server hosting and other related products for companies.


These conditions apply to all products and services that itpilot ApS provides.


The customer is personally responsible for the legality of the material on itpilot's servers. No occurrence of illegal, offensive or unethical material will be permitted on our web servers.


itpilot reserves the sole right to define whether the material is of an unacceptable nature - itpilot can terminate a subscription without notice, in such cases itpilot is not responsible for any losses this may cause.

Subscriptions must not be used for sending spam - in such cases, subscriptions will be terminated immediately and the customer will be held responsible for any costs that may be incurred by itpilot. itpilot reserves the right to arbitrarily define whether the customer's e-mails are spam.

itpilot does not take responsibility for testing or securing customer applications and scripts on the customer's web hotel, unless there is an agreement to this effect. Scripts and applications must not burden the server's resources unnecessarily. It is also the customer's own responsibility to keep its scripts and applications secure and up-to-date, unless itpilot has undertaken to take care of this. If the customer's web hotel is misused by outsiders due to a vulnerability in the customer's scripts or applications, it is the customer's sole responsibility.

itpilot reserves the right to close the web hotel temporarily or permanently as a result of the above. This will happen without notice, and the customer may be charged a fee for traffic consumption or other expenses directly caused by the breach. itpilot reserves the right to sovereignly decide whether a violation of the above rules has taken place.

At itpilot, traffic is generally free, which means that a fee has been paid for the amount of data to and from the customer's subscription. However, subject to normal traffic flow that does not disrupt traffic for other customers.


itpilot endeavors to ensure access to and from the customer's subscription 24 hours a day. However, short-term downtime may occur as a result of, among other things, upgrading or maintenance of our IT systems.

itpilot endeavors to maintain an overall uptime of 99%. Downtime of shorter duration may occur as a result of, among other things, upgrading or maintenance of our IT systems.


Upon termination of subscriptions that require the installation of client components, the customer is obliged to uninstall the supplied client software on the systems on which the components may have been installed.


It is the customer's own responsibility to configure and ensure that backup jobs include the files / folders that are to be backed up. The customer is also responsible for storing passwords for this.


Customers who have their own servers located on itpilot, including rented servers and virtual servers, are themselves responsible for the operation, unless otherwise agreed with itpilot. The customer is also responsible for backup and security updates, etc., unless an agreement exists with itpilot. 


itpilot invoices subscriptions in advance of the agreed period (6, 12, 18 or 24 months at a time).

Termination of subscriptions

Subscriptions cannot be canceled within a current subscription period, unless terminated before the start of the next period, at least one month before the end of the current period.

All subscriptions are automatically renewed for a corresponding period, unless itpilot has received a valid termination from the customer.

Any termination of a subscription must be made by written request to bogholderi@itpilot.dk. Failure to pay is not considered termination.

itpilot can cancel an ongoing subscription without the customer having necessarily violated these terms and conditions. In such cases, itpilot will refund the remaining part of the prepaid subscription to the customer


All domain names are created on itpilot's name servers, unless otherwise agreed.

All domains are created on a first-come, first-served basis. itpilot cannot be held responsible if an ordered domain cannot be created because it is already occupied by a third party. Nor can itpilot be responsible for any errors in ordered domain names, for example in the case of spelling errors. In such cases, the registration fee will not be refunded.

itpilot initiates the registration as soon as possible and within 1 working day after the payment has been received. As a customer, you are obliged to check within 5 days whether the registration of the domain name has taken place. If the ordered domain still does not appear as registered, the customer should contact itpilot ApS.


Payments relating to incorrectly ordered domain names are non-refundable.


itpilot is not responsible for infringements by third parties regarding registered domain names.


When purchasing and extending domains, the customer is always invoiced directly by itpilot. This applies to both Danish and international domains. To extend a domain, you must pay a period fee. Failure to timely pay this fee may result in the domain being deleted. For Danish domains, it applies that you can restore it for a fee via Punktum dk (formerly DK-Hostmaster), while for international domains there may be other rules.


Domains cannot be canceled within a prepaid period unless terminated before the start of the next period, at least one month before the end of the current period.

Any termination of a domain must be done by contacting bogholderi@itpilot.dk. Failure to pay is not considered termination.


If you as a customer use itpilot as a partner for the development of specific software, you as a customer obtain a time-limited non-exclusive right to use the software developed by itpilot. It is not permitted, without acceptance from itpilot, to copy or resell the developed software.

If the customer makes changes to the code in the developed software, itpilot's obligations regarding the developed software cease. 


In the case of project courses that extend over more than 30 days, itpilot reserves the right to fully or partially invoice the total project sum before the end of the project. Itpilot also reserves the right to invoicing all or part of the total project sum if a project is not completed within a reasonable period of time as a result of the customer's failure to comply with agreed deadlines.


Manglende rettidig betaling medfører fremsendelse af rykkerskrivelser samt tilskrivning af renter. For hver rykkerskrivelse pålægges et gebyr på DKK 100,-. Hvis betaling ikke sker efter 3. rykker, vil kravet blive sendt til inkasso. Hvis betalingen ikke er modtaget 3 måneder efter sidste rettidige betalingsfrist, vil kundens data blive slettet.


itpilot delivers products and services specially adapted to our customers. It is accepted that itpilot begins the establishment or registration process as soon as payment is received and registered. The general right of withdrawal in §12, subsection 1 and subsection 1 of the Consumer Contracts Act. 2 expires when itpilot registers the customer's payment.


As a customer of itpilot, you are obliged to keep itpilot informed of your current place of residence.


itpilot is not responsible for loss of profit, loss of data and its re-establishment, damages caused by hacker attacks or viruses, loss of goodwill, consequential damages and indirect losses. itpilot's liability for damages is in any case limited to the last subscription payment made by the customer. The same conditions apply to force majeure, i.e. fire, war, lockout, natural disasters, etc.

Point 6.c applies to all products and services provided by itpilot ApS.


itpilot reserves the right to change business conditions, specifications and prices. Changes will be published on itpilot's website and will take effect upon publication, or for existing customers, from the next subscription period.

In the event of disputes on the basis of these terms and conditions, the court in Viborg in Denmark is agreed as the place of jurisdiction.