Our skilled itpilots ensure that we can deliver the best digital solutions to our customers.
Therefore, we are proud of our certifications, which are proof of our professional competencies and
credibility as a partner and IT supplier.
itpilot has an ISAE 3402 declaration
At itpilot we attach great importance to
it security which is why we have also set a goal that we will guarantee our customers a high level of security on all web and IT solutions we develop for them.
We always work hard and purposefully to give our customers that security, which is why we are also proud that we are ISAE 3402 certified. This ensures our customers that our procedures and controls meet the IT security and quality requirements specified in the international standard.

A guarantee for you
With the ISAE 3402 declaration, we can guarantee our customers that we have an IT security system where procedures, controls and documentation meet the international security standard. You can therefore confidently trust that we have security and risks under control and maintain a high quality in IT.
A guarantee for your end customers
As data controller, you are responsible for protecting your end customers' data. According to the Personal Data Regulation, it is a requirement that you as a customer choose a data processor and IT supplier that has security measures in place.
With our ISAE 3402 declaration, you can be absolutely sure that we meet all the requirements and protect your customers' data.
In addition, we also help you to ensure that your web solution is
compliant with correct cookie and privacy policy. We are up-to-date on the applicable regulations and can guide you through the necessary steps to comply with the requirements.
ISAE 3402 Type 2
There are two different types of ISAE 3402 declarations: Type 1 and Type 2. A Type 1 declaration is, in short, a snapshot of the company's control measures and effectiveness at a given point in time.
An ISAE 3402 Type 2 declaration covers a longer period, and is therefore also more comprehensive. At itpilot, we have an ISAE 3402 Type 2 declaration, which covers 12 months. Therefore, we undergo an annual audit of our control environment and operating processes to ensure that our customers can always have confidence in our security measures and quality standards.
Documentation of technical measures
When you choose itpilot as your IT supplier, you can rest assured that your company's IT security is in good hands. Our ISAE 3402 declaration is a guarantee that we meet all applicable legal requirements for IT security and quality.
At the same time, our ISAE 3402 declaration can also help you document that you have taken the necessary technical measures to protect your customers' data. We attach great importance to ensuring that all the necessary security measures are in place, so that you can have full confidence that your data is protected in the best possible way.
Close collaboration with PwC
In connection with our ISAE 3402 declaration, we have collaborated with the auditing company PwC, which has carried out random checks of our work processes. The result of this is a report and statement from PwC based on the observations and checks they have carried out with us, which has given us the official ISAE 3402 declaration.
We are very proud and honored to have the declaration, which we work intensively on every day.